The Racial Justice Initiative Consists
of Four Scholarships

The Dr. Bertha Sadler Means Endowment for Racial Justice
The purpose of this endowment is to fund, in perpetuity, Seminary programs to support visiting black scholars, research in Texas slavery and racism, teaching racial justice, formation and empowerment of Black leaders, and encouragement for Episcopal Black ministries within and beyond the Diocese of Texas.
The Rev. Pauli Murray Scholarship Fund at Seminary of the Southwest
The purpose of this fund is to provide academic scholarships to enrolled students of color [with demonstrated financial need] pursuing a degree in the seminary’s Master of Divinity program or Diploma in Anglican Studies program. A Pauli Murray Academic Scholarship award may be disbursed only for the award recipient’s living expenses based on the award recipient’s demonstrated financial need, as determined by the Seminary in its sole discretion.
The Rev. David Taylor Endowed Scholarship at Seminary of the Southwest The purpose of this fund, named in the memory of The Rev. David Franklin Taylor is to provide academic scholarships to enrolled students of color with demonstrated financial need pursuing a degree in the seminary’s Master of Divinity program (as postulants of the diocese- or of any diocese) within TEC or Diploma in Anglican Studies program.
The Henrietta Wells Scholarship Fund is designated for scholarships for students attending Historical Black Colleges and Universities across the Diocese of Texas. The funds are to be used for choir scholarships and teaching internships in Episcopal schools while attending a Historic Black College or University (HBCU) in Texas.